Privacy Policy

Numero's Privacy Policy

Numero is provided by Getnumero Technology Limited.

This privacy policy applies to how Numero uses all data collected and services offered byus. Numero (“we” “our” “us”) is committed to protecting your data and privacy.

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which we collect, use, maintain and disclose information collected from users on our website. By visiting our website or using our app or services, you agree to this Privacy Policy

What Information Do We Collect At Numero

There are two categories of information we collect. We collect a variety of data and information from you. Your data and information are automatically collected when you visit our website and provide to us when registering an account, filling out a form, or communicating with us

Information Collected Automatically

When you use or visit our website or app, our web servers automatically collect your non-personal information such as the domain name of the internet access provider, the internet protocol address used to connect the computer to the internet, the average time spent on our website, pages viewed, information searched for, access times, and other relevant statistics.

Information You Provide

We collect your personal information when you register for an account or contact us.For example, if you register on our website, we collect your name, e-mail address and password. Similarly, when contacting us, you may also provide us with personal information that we collect.

Other Personal Information of you we collect includes but is not limited to date of birth, gender, phone number, account number, card number and expiry date and residential address. This collection is in fulfilment of regulatory requirements.

Sharing Your Data

Some of the services we offer are in conjunction or collaboration with our partner company(s)including Transroute Technology Limited.

In order for our services to be provided efficiently, we may share some details about you with ourPartner Company(s) and in accordance with our business operations. However under everycircumstance that warrants us to share such details to our Partner Company(s) we shall take stepsto ensure that your data and information continue to be protected and safe

Other than as informed above, we will not disclose any of your data or information without your permission unless we are required by law to do so

How We Use Your Data

We collect several types of information for various purposes and to improve the Service. All information that you provide is covered by the provisions of the Constitution of the FederalRepublic of Nigeria 1999 (As amended) and other extant laws and regulations regulating the use and management of personal data, inclusive but not limited to the Nigeria DataProtection Regulation (“Data Protection Regulations”). We use your data and information for the following purposes;

  • To verify your identity.
  • To prevent the illegal use of our service.
  • To notify you of any change or update in our service or business.
  • To monitor the usage of our service
  • To provide customer care and support
  • As may be required by applicable laws and regulations, including for compliance with Know Your Customers and risk assessment, Anti-Money Laundering, anti-corruption and sanctions screening requirements, or as requested by any judicial process, law enforcement or governmental agency having or claiming jurisdiction over Numero and its affiliates to improve the quality of our service to you


By using our app or website you consent to us

  • To provide and maintain our Service Processing your personal data.
  • Telling you about our products and services, and those of our partners by email or push notification if we think they're of interest to you. You can unsubscribe fromthese by email or via the app.

Disclosing Information

We may disclose or share your Personal Information with third parties, including our affiliates, employees, officers, partner(s), etc., as may be reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this policy.

Also in the event that an order of the Court or declaration of law or regulation demandssuch information or data, we will have no choice but to oblige and comply with the order ofthe Court or the dictates of the law.

Numero will only share your data or information in the following circumstances:

  1. In the event that you authorise us to share your data or information or we have your explicit consent to do so. However, in the event that we have obtained your consent or authorisation to share your data or information, we shall bear no liability for any breach which may arise from such authorisation by you.
  2. Where it is required by law to share such data and information to comply with the dictates of the law or certain regulations such as KYC policies amongst other regulations. In such cases, we promise to uphold the highest level of confidentiality and data protection measures to preserve and secure any shared data or information.
  3. We have a good faith belief that access, use, preservation or disclosure of such information is reasonably necessary to our subsidiaries and affiliates;
  • Satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or enforceable governmental request.
  • Enforce applicable Terms of Service, including investigation of potential violations thereof, detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues

Retention of Data

In protecting your data and information with us from unauthorised access and use, we use security measures that comply with international best standards and applicable data protection and privacy laws. We make use of advanced technology to protect your privacy from unauthorised access and improper use.

How long do we keep your data?

Numero would keep your data for as long as is required under applicable law or regulation.Kindly note that the retention requirements under applicable law supersede any right to erasure requests made by you. We cannot, therefore, erase your data until after this requirement has been satisfied. However, we can assure you that your data will be held safely and securely whilst under our supervision

Our Legal Obligation

For us to ensure and absolve ourselves that we are not breaking any laws by banking you and to ensure that we are not aiding illegal activities like money laundering, terrorism financing and fraud, we need your data to Know you as our Customer (KYC) To do this, we need your data to;

  • Confirm your identity.
  • Keep information of you in line with legal and legislative requirements.
  • Prevent illegal activities including but not limited to tax evasion, fraud, theft and money laundering.
  • To monitor the usage of our service

Your Rights to your data with us

You have the right to access and request the information or data that we have on you in our records. You may also ask us edit your information should you think it is incorrect or incomplete. We are able to delete your information on our record upon your request to do so, however we reserve the right to vary the circumstance and the reason for such request. If we feel that obeying any of your instruction would put us in default of the law or cause us to aid and abet a crime, we reserve the right to decline such request. You also have the right to object to us using your information for our marketing purposes or any additional services we may be offering you.

Making a Complain

Numero is committed to safeguarding and protecting any information or data we have of you. Should you have any information, worries, questions or complaints about your data and information with us, kindly contact us by

  • Sending a message via our app or website's query box.
  • Emailing us

Contact Us

You can contact us if you have any questions about our Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy was last updated in November 2023