Terms of Use

By using this website (www.getnumero.co), any of our platforms and/or services, you agree to these Terms of Use.


In this Terms of Use

“ACCOUNT” refers to the unique personified account registered in the name of the User andwhich contains details of the User’s transactions/operations on the Platform.

“LAWS” refers to any law, regulation, rule, or enactment operating in countries where we arepresent and other laws applicable to this Terms of Use

“PLATFORM” refers collectively to Numero, its website and other related applications.

“SERVICES” refers to all products and services provided by Numero

“USER” refers collectively to account holders and visitors on Numero or its platform.

About Us

Numero is provided by Get Numero Technology Limited. This Terms of Use regulates your obligation to us and ours to you.

These terms also affectyour legal rights, endeavor to read them and treat them with utmost importance. Theseterms govern the relationship between You and numero.africa (Numero/us/we/our) andyou (you/your) and you agree to them by using the Numero Platform. You should read thisdocument along with our Data Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Numero is committed to managing, safeguarding and protecting your data and Informationin line with Global data best practices. Kindly read our Privacy Policy to understand how weobtain, manage, store and use your information and the steps we take to protect your dataand information

Age Restriction

Our website and services are not directed to persons under 18. We do not knowingly transact or provide any services to persons under 18. Therefore, to use our website or services, you must be over 18.

Disputes and Reversal

If you believe that an unauthorized or wrong transaction has taken place, you agree to notify us immediately, to enable us to take action to help prevent financial loss.

All claims against us related to payments should be made within 30 (Thirty days after the date of such payment, failure to do so will be construed as that you waive all claims against us upon expiration of the said period).

Access to Numero

You must create an account with Numero to access our services. When creating and managing your account, all information provided must be true, accurate and complete. Providing false information of any kind may result in the freezing or termination of your account. You must update all account information when a change occurs. You are responsible for keeping your account and password secure and maintaining the confidentiality of your password. Additionally, you are completely responsible for all activities that occur under the account and any other actions taken in connection with it. You must immediately notify us of any unauthorised uses of your account or any other security breach. We are not liable for any acts or omissions by you, including any damages of any kind suffered resulting from such acts or omissions.

The services are protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws in Nigeria and foreign countries. Nothing in this Term gives you a right to use the Transroute name or any of our trademarks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive brand features. All right, titles and interests in and to the services are and will remain the exclusive property of Transroute and its licensors.


By opening an account with us or using Numero or any of our platforms, you consent to Numero transmitting, storing and processing your Data. Our Privacy Policy explains how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy when you use our Platform. You also consent to receive electronic communication from Numero relating to your account. We may communicate with you via e-mail, text message (SMS), push notifications in the platform or through other methods, including our promotional newsletter or other announcements via email or other methods. You may opt out of receiving non-transactional communications, byhello@getnumero.co to “Unsubscribe” from our mailing list. We will communicate with you in connection with transactional communications, including but not limited to servicing your account and customer services.

Prohibited Use

Numero maintains a strict policy against money laundering, fraud, terrorism, funding and conducting of businesses with entities/individuals subject to such sanctions. In addition to other prohibitions as set forth in this Agreement, you are prohibited from using the Platform or its Content in any of the following scenario.
Kindly note that Numero reserves the right to terminate your use of its Service or platform for violating any of the prohibited uses and or report your conduct to the relevant legal authorities for investigation and possible prosecution.

Disclosure, Suspension, Termination & Discontinuance

You may close your account at any time. Once your account has been closed, terminated or discontinued, you won't be able to access your account anymore, unless you re-open a new account with us.

However note that should you be indebted to us or have any pending monetary obligation to us, you'll will be required to repay any money you owe us before we can close your account
Numero may also in its sole discretion, suspend, close, discontinue or terminate your access to its services or platform, at any time and immediately, with or without notice should Numero at any time believe you have

Intellectual Property

Numero owns the intellectual property rights and materials on its platform. We do not grant you any right, license, title or interest to any of our intellectual Property rights which you may or may not have access to. You agree to take such actions including any legal or official document or other documents that may be needed to further affirm our intellectual property rights.
Numero does not transfer to you any intellectual property owned by Numero or third-parties, and all rights, titles, and interests in and to such property will remain (as between the parties) solely with Numero. All intellectual property, including but not limited to trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos used in connection with Numero, are owned and remains the intellectual property of Numero.


You hereby indemnify Numero and undertake to keep Numero indemnified against any losses, damages, costs, liabilities and expenses (including without limitation to reasonable legal fees) arising out of any breach by you of any provision of these Terms, or arising out of any claim that you have breached any provision of these Terms.

Breaching our Terms

Without prejudice to Numero's other rights under these Terms, if you breach these Terms in any way, we may take such action as we deem appropriate to deal with the breach, including suspending your access to our platform, prohibiting you from accessing our platform, blocking computers using your IP address from accessing our platform, and/or filing an action in court against you.

Legal disputes

Should you have a complaint, please contact us and we will do our best to fix the problem.We shall use their best endeavours to amicably settle any dispute or difference of opinion arising from or in connection with this Agreement through mutual discussions.
Should Parties be unable to resolve the dispute through mutual agreement within 30 days from receiving the Notice of Dispute, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act Cap. A18, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004, or any amendment thereto.
Furthermore, the place of arbitration shall be Lagos State, Nigeria and there shall be a sole arbitrator who shall be appointed jointly by the parties. Where the parties fail or are unable to jointly agree on the appointment, they shall approach the Lagos Court of InternationalArbitration to appoint a sole arbitrator who shall be competent to adjudicate on the issue in dispute. The arbitral award shall be final and binding between the Parties.

Children's Policy

Our Services are not intended for use by children under the age of 18 (“Child” or “Children”).
We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 18. If you become aware that a child has provided us with Personal Data, please contact us. If we become aware that we have collected Personal Data from children without verification of parental consent, we take steps to remove that information from our servers.

Contact Us

You can contact us at hello@getnumero.co if you have any questions about our services or Terms of Use

This Terms of Use was last updated in November 2023 .